Following your [心] is a key to living a fulfilling life. PS: 现在说早安,会不会有点晚![偷笑]
Don’t promise when you’re happy, don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad.
解决问题的7个步骤:1. 界定问题(陈述问题);2. 分解问题(问题树); 3. 优先排序(用漏斗法去掉所有非关键问题);4. 议题分析(制定详细的工作计划);5. 关键分析;6. 综合建议(综合调查结果,并建构论证);7. 交流沟通(将数据与论证联系起来,讲述来龙去脉)——麦肯锡[挤眼]
#正能量# No matter how complex life, grace will remain the same。[礼物]不论生活多么复杂,也要保持不变的优雅。
#正能量# No matter how complex life, grace will remain the same。[礼物]不论生活多么复杂,也要保持不变的优雅。
Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else.保持最真的自己[威武]
[给力]//@中国日报: China’s GDP grew 7.8 percent in the third quarter of this year, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.